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Domestic Violence- Hollywood star Keira Knightley called "cut " on this scene...have you?

TRIGGER WARNING: powerful PSA contains explicit scenes of violence against women.


Domestic Violence

Around this time of year many pressures are put on couples but with good communications a lot of couples will come through tm all. However there are some who suffer in silence both women and men who suffer domestic violence. Below you can see a very strong scene from Hollywood actor Kiera Knightley, who did a short piece to highlight when things go to far, it's time to say "cut" enough is enough. If children are involved and are allowed to witness domestic violence first hand, then there is a good chance that they too will be affected for life. Protect yourself and help your family by contacting a domestic violence helpline. It's a first step to sharing the problem in a totally confidential way with someone who is trained to deal with this on a day in, day out basis. Are you ready to say "cut"? TODAY is the first day of the rest of your life, make it a different day. Kiera Knightley's effort to help others in this situation, doesn't seem to have gotten a whole lot of airplay. But you can watch it now and decide for yourself if your relationship is controlling, mentally abusive or down right violent. None of these situations should be tolerated and each one of those three are of equal importance, sometimes the mental head games one leaves more scares.If you're not getting on with someone then it's time to get off out of there, you have only one life, why should you share it with someone who doesn't have respect for you or themselves?

Written by Martin Markey-reporting for BorderRegionTv-on line and worldwide-on demand - view our player whenever it suits you to watch our content.

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